Physical therapy is the treatment of physical dysfunction or injury by the use of therapeutic intervention intended to restore or facilitate normal, gross motor function or development. Physical therapy includes the assessment of range of motion, strength, balance, coordination, and gross motor development (such as sitting independently, crawling, walking, skipping, riding a bike, hopping on one foot, etc). The physical therapist will screen and assess your child’s current skill ability and potential to meet age-appropriate gross motor skills. They will develop and recommend a comprehensive therapy program, as necessary, to address your child’s specific needs. Physical therapists also assess the need and monitor the fit and tolerance for durable medical equipment (such a walkers, wheelchairs, standers, leg braces, etc), and work closely with local medical vendors and orthotists for the best possible product for your child. Your physical therapist will also work to include a home exercise program for you and your child to complete for continued progress in the home environment.
Typical Diagnoses addressed by Physical Therapy (but not limited to)
Developmental Delay
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Post-Orthopedic or Sports-related surgery/injury
Cerebral Palsy
Down Syndrome
How do I know if my child needs physical therapy?
Talk to your pediatrician. Your pediatrician can answer questions about normal physical gross motor development. Does your child have trouble making typical age milestones (slow to walk? slow to crawl?) Does your child prefer to only look into one direction, or tilt their head always to one side? Does your child have limited strength or range of motion? Does your child need durable medical equipment, such as a wheelchair or orthotics? This does not include all the reasons why your child may need physical therapy, but your pediatrician will assist in the referral assessment and process.
Is the TheraSuit Method® considered physical therapy?
Yes, the TheraSuit Method® is an intensive physical therapy program provided by a licensed physical therapist, who is specifically certified and trained in the program. Please refer to this link for further specifics on this intensive program.